Can you tell me about a memorable trip you took in the past? Where did you go, and what did you do?, Have you ever experienced a challenging situation that turned out to be a valuable learning experience? Could you share the details?, What was the happiest moment of your life? Can you describe the events leading up to that moment?, Have you ever met someone famous? What was the encounter like, and how did you feel afterward?, Could you narrate a childhood memory that still brings a smile to your face?, Have you ever been in a situation where you had to make a difficult decision? How did you weigh your options, and what was the outcome?, Can you share an amusing incident or a funny story that happened to you recently?, Have you ever participated in a competition or a sports event? How did you prepare for it, and how did it unfold?, Could you describe a time when you faced a fear or overcame a challenge that seemed insurmountable at first?, Can you narrate an event where you witnessed an act of kindness or generosity that deeply affected you?, Have you ever had a lucky or fortunate experience? Could you describe the circumstances and how it affected you?, Can you share a story from your childhood where you had to make a tough decision or take a leap of faith? How did it shape you?, Have you ever traveled to a place that exceeded your expectations? Could you describe the sights, sounds, and emotions you experienced during the journey?, Can you share a story about a time when you achieved a personal goal or accomplishment? How did you work towards it and how did it feel to succeed?,

Narrative Tenses Conversational Questions


พลิกไทล์ เป็นแม่แบบแบบเปิดที่ไม่ได้สร้างคะแนนสำหรับลีดเดอร์บอร์ด




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