gloomy - The forest was so thick and filled with shadows that it felt ___ even in the daylight., bustling - As we walked through the ___ market, we could hear vendors calling out to sell their fruits and vegetables., misty - We couldn't see very far ahead because the morning air was ___, making everything seem like it was covered in a thin cloud., cluttered - Sarah's room was ___ with toys and clothes scattered all over the floor, making it hard to walk., rural - In the ___ village where Grandma lives, there are more trees and fields than tall buildings., spacious - The classroom was ___, with plenty of room for all the students to sit comfortably., chilly - When we went camping in the mountains, the nights were ___, and we had to bundle up in warm blankets., spectacular - From the top of the hill, we had a ___ view of the sunset painting the sky with shades of pink and orange., mysterious - The old mansion on the hill looked ___ with its dark windows and overgrown garden., wild - Exploring the ___ forest, we saw many animals and plants we had never seen before., familiar - Even though it was our first time visiting the city, everything felt ___ because we had seen pictures and read about it in books., enchanting - The castle in the storybook looked ___ with its tall towers and shimmering moat.,

G3 Adjectives: Setting 4






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