hang out with - spend time with someone , counting on - rely on / depend on, turning into - become / transform, making it up - lie , carry on - continue, turn up - arrive / appear, look back on - think about (the past), get over (something) - recover from, live up to (something ) - to do as good as expected , hand (something) back - to return , get away with (something) - to escape, point (something) out - show / draw attention to , put off - postpone / discourage, turn out - emerge / prove to be the case, take over - assume control of, pull in - come to stop / halt, cater for - provide food for, hang around - spend time aimlessly/ wait around , chill out - to relax completely , be up to - be able to do, pop into - to put something quickly into something else, wear out - come to the end of its life, cut down - reduce, come up against - opposed by something , come up with - produce / suggest , pick up - collect / fetch, gone off (food item) - went bad, tripped over - to fall over, throw up - vomit, get through - pass a difficult period ,

Revision FCE - Phrasal verbs






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