你怎么了? - What's wrong with you?, 我 - I, me, 生病了 - got sick, 去 - to go, 看病 - to see a doctor, 拉肚子 - lā dù zi - have diarrhea, 不舒服 - bù shū fú - not feeling well, 喉咙 - hóu lóng - throat, 咳嗽 - ké sòu (cough), 发烧 - fā shāo (to have a fever), 吐 - tù - vomit, 流鼻涕 - liú bí tì (a runny nose), 感冒 - gǎn mào-to catch a cold, 量体温 - liáng tǐ wēn - to measure body temperature, 打针 - dǎ zhēn - to give or have an injection, 吃药 - chī yào - take medicine, 请假 - qǐng jià - to ask for leave, 病假单 - medical certificate (MC), 检查身体 - jiǎn chá shēn tǐ, check the body (body examination), 温度计 - wēn dù jì (thermometer), 诊所 - zhěn suǒ (clinic), 医院 - yī yuàn - hospital, 脸 - liǎn - face, 头 - tóu - head, 头发 - tóu fa - hair, 眼睛 - yǎn jing - eyes, 鼻子 - bí zi - nose, 耳朵 - ěr duo - ear, 嘴巴 - zuǐ ba - mouth, 舌头 - shé tóu - tongue,

欢乐伙伴 1 A 第八课《我感冒了》-课文内容





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