1) Which one is spelled correctly? a) turkee b) turkie c) turkey 2) How would you spell the word that means to be alone? a) lonely b) lonelee c) lonlie 3) The pilgrims lived in a _________________. a) colonee b) colony c) colonie 4) Slow and ___________ wins the race. a) steedee b) steddie c) steady 5) My stomach is grumbling because I am ________________. a) hungry b) hungree c) hungry 6) Mountains have many hills and many ________________. a) vales b) valleys c) vallees 7) The Nashville Predators are our hometown ________________team. a) hokee b) hokey c) hockey 8) While watching the sky, we noticed it was a _________________night. a) starry b) starie c) staree 9) Beethoven could create a beautiful ___________________. a) melowdy b) melody c) meloddie 10) ELF is my favorite Christmas ____________________. a) movee b) movey c) movie 11) It is the _________ of the soldier to protect our country. a) duty b) dootie c) dudie 12) The allergy medicine makes me very _____________________. a) drowzee b) drowsy c) drowse 13) Santa comes down the ________________ on Christmas Eve. a) chimnee b) chimne c) chimney 14) We will have _______________ of food for Thanksgiving dinner. a) plenty b) plentie c) plentee 15) Ms. Painter takes Maizy for her _________________ walk. a) dayly b) daily c) daylie 16) The cat was living in an _________________ behind the restaurant. a) allie b) ally c) alley 17) The coke in the machine costs ________________ cents. a) fivety b) fifty c) fiftie 18) Mrs. Johnson ran out of gas because her tank was ___________________. a) empty b) emptee c) emptie 19) _______________ dogs burrow in the sand. a) praree b) praire c) prayeree 20) Ms. Curtin was drinking a __________________ slush from Sonic. a) chairy b) charry c) cherry 21) Do you eat ____________ with your peanut butter sandwiches? a) jelly b) gelly c) jellie 22) Using _______________ notes helps me stay organized and keep my place in a book. a) stickie b) sticky c) stinky 23) Dr. Nabors told us not to ________________, but to show up for class. a) worrie b) worrey c) worry 24) Saylor has dark and _________________ hair. a) curly b) curlee c) curlie 25) I ________________ those people that work out every day. a) envee b) envy c) envie 26) The chili was hot and ___________________. a) fired b) fier c) fiery 27) The teacher showed us _____________ and gave us another day to finish the assignment. a) mercy b) mercie c) mercy 28) Scientists made a _________________ of water on the planet of Mars. a) discover b) discovery c) discoveree 29) Did you solve the ______________________of the Loch Ness monster? a) mistery b) mysterie c) mystery 30) The football player sustained a horrible ___________________ after the tackle. a) injury b) injurie c) injuree

Final Long e spelled -y, -ey, or ie





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