1) Endometriosis a) leiomyoma b) cyst c) chocolate cyst d) adenomyosis e) PCOS 2) Leiomyoma a) malignant b) diffuse growth c) depends on estrogen for growth d) estrogen initiates e) similar to adenomyoma 3) Contain serosaguinous fluid a) Follicle cyst b) Corpus luteum cyst c) Chocolate cyst d) Hydrocele e) Hematocele 4) Which is False about Fibroadenoma? a) Consists of glandular and stromal elements b) round or ovoid c) mobile d) Sharply demarcated e) high incident in premenopausal women 5) Which is TRUE about Paget disease of nipple? a) caused by LCIS b) caused by invasive ductal carcinoma c) caused by DCIS 6) Opening of urethra on ventral surface of penile shaft a) Primary hypospadias b) Secondary hypospadia c) Tertiary hypospadias d) Primary epispadias e) Secondary epispadias f) Tertiary epispadias 7) Strangulation of glans penis due to narrowed prepuce a) balanitis b) balanoposthitis c) smegma d) phimosis e) paraphimosis 8) Which one has higher risk to develop germ cell neoplasia? a) testis in abdomen b) testis in inguinal canal c) testis in scrotum 9) The most common cause for orchitis a) mumps infection b) syphilis c) UTI 10) Bell-clapper deformity leads to a) hydrocele b) hematocele c) varicocele d) torsion 11) Benign prostatic hyperplasia a) Transition zone b) Peripheral zone c) Central zone 12) Prostatic carcinoma a) transition zone b) peripheral zone c) central zone 13) Predominance of lymphocytes & fibrosis of lamina propria is hallmark for a) Acute cystitis b) Chronic cystitis c) Follicular cystitis 14) Characterized by hematuria a) nephrotic syndrome b) nephritic syndrome





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