umbrella - An object that you use to protect yourself against rain or hot sun. Kas attēlots bildē?, icecream - What`s in the picture? Kas attēlots bildē?, summer - The time of the year when the sun is hottest and the days are longest, between spring and autumn. (Karstākais gadalaiks gadā), dog - This is a pet with four legs, fur and a tail. (mājdzīvnieks, uzskatāms par cilvēka labāko draugu), children - Write a plural form for a word child. Uzraksti daudzskaitļa formu vārdam bērns., twelve - 5 plus 7 is ................, one - 10 minus 9 is ..................., apple - A hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white inside. Kas attēlots bildē?, Latvia - A country where we live. Valsts, kurā mēs dzīvojam, seven - How many days are in a week. Cik dienas ir nedēļā?,





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