1) Right or suitable for a situation a) Appropriate b) Suffer from c) Proof d) Treatment 2) Telling someone something positively to make them feel confident a) Prevention b) Bug c) Treatment d) Assurance 3) The study of living things like plants, animals, and humans a) Grab b) Pill c) Appropriate d) Biology 4) A small insect, or a problem in a computer program a) Bug b) Doubt c) Peculiar d) Appropriate 5) A solution or medicine that ends a sickness or problem a) Cure b) Bug c) Suffer from d) Others 6) Not being sure about something a) Weapon b) Doubt c) Pill d) Peculiar 7) To quickly take something with your hand a) Grab b) Assurance c) Prevention d) Others 8) Different people or things not already mentioned a) Biology b) Others c) Bug d) Shelter 9) Strange or not normal a) Uncomfortable b) Cure c) Prevention d) Peculiar 10) A small piece of medicine you swallow a) Grab b) Suffer from c) Unexpected d) Pill 11) Stopping something bad from happening a) Prevention b) Grab c) Biology d) Strangely enough 12) Evidence or information that shows something is true a) Proof b) Uncomfortable c) Bug d) Squeeze 13) A place that protects you from bad weather or danger a) Shelter b) Grab c) Peculiar d) Assurance 14) To press something firmly, often with your hands a) Squeeze b) Weapon c) Proof d) Treatment 15) Surprisingly or in an unexpected way a) Shelter b) Biology c) Strangely enough d) Proof 16) To experience pain or problems, especially for a long time a) Prevention b) Shelter c) Biology d) Suffer from 17) Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury a) Treatment b) Bug c) Squeeze d) Suffer from 18) Not feeling relaxed or at ease a) Prevention b) Suffer from c) Peculiar d) Uncomfortable 19) Something that surprises you because you did not think it would happen a) Uncomfortable b) Weapon c) Prevention d) Unexpected 20) An object used to fight or hurt someone, like a gun or knife a) Pill b) Weapon c) Others d) Unexpected





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