thriller - a story full of exciting action, adventure or suspense, critic - a person who writes film reviews for the press, review - an article which gives an opinion about a new film, sequel - a film which continues the story of an earlier film, plot - the series of events that form the main story, genre - a kind or style of music, movie, series, etc., trailer - a series of scenes from a film shown in advance to advertise it, documentary - a film that tells the facts about actual people and events, audience - the people who watch a film in a cinema, blockbuster - a film that is very large, expensive or successful, director - the person in charge of making a movie or show, sci-fi - a genre with stories set in the future or in outer space, extra - a person who plays a very small part in a film, usually in a crowd scene, subtitles - the translation of the dialogue of a film on screen, soundtrack - the music of a film, drama - a film that is about a serious subject, cast - all the actors in a film, show or series, screen - the flat surface that a movie is projected onto, set - the place where a film is being shot, the scenery used for a film or play, rehearsal - a time when all the people involved in a play, show or band practise to prepare for a perfomance, suspense - the feeling of excitement you have when you are waiting for something to happen, celebrity - a famous person,







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