1) Stan is ________ in his class a) The tallest b) Taller c) The most tall 2) For PomPom, Chinese dames are more difficult than Chess or other board games, so Chinese dames is ________ difficult. a) Most b) The most c) Morest d) Morryier 3) Noodle wants to sell the ______ popsicles to earn more money a) More b) Morrow c) Mostest d) Most e) Morest 4) He is the ____ footballer in his team a) Better b) Bettest c) Best d) Goodest e) Gooder f) Good 5) Sometimes, playing the piano can be easier than playing the flute, or violin, so it´s _______ one. a) Easier b) Easiest c) Easying d) Easygoing e) The easiest f) Most easy 6) In the storytime, the third servand was ________ of them a) Laziest b) More lazy c) The most hard -working d) Lazy e) Lazier f) The laziest





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