1) How do you usually organize your study time? 2) What techniques do you use to stay focused while studying? 3) Do you think taking breaks while studying is helpful? Why or why not? 4) Can you share a time when planning your study schedule helped you perform better? 5) What do you do when you don’t understand something in your studies? 6) How do you motivate yourself to study when you feel tired or distracted? 7) Which study tip mentioned in the text do you find the most useful? Why? 8) Do you think studying with friends or alone is more effective? Explain your preference. 9) In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge when it comes to studying, and how do you overcome it? 10) How do you set goals for your studies, and how do these goals help you stay on track? 11) How do your study habits compare to the tips in the text? Do you do anything differently? 12) Have you ever tried using a study app or tool? How did it help, or why didn’t it work for you?

Answering questions about the text. Study tips





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