1) What do you usually do on the weekends? 2) What sort of films do you like watching? 3) Would you like to be famous? Why? /Why not? 4) What type of men/women are you most atracted to? 5) What´s the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you? 6) What sort of clothes do you hate wearing? 7) What sort of things make you angry/ annoyed? 8) What 3 adjectives would you use to describe your best friend? 9) What 3 adjectives do you think others would use to describe you as a person? 10) What sort of things do you find difficult to learn in English? 11) Can you recall an ocassion when you made your parents really proud/ happy? 12) Can you name 3 things about your present life that makes you proud/ happy? 13) What would you like to change about yourself if you could? Why? 14) Which 3 human qualities ( e.g. honesty) do you consider to be the most important? 15) Which movie or book has made the greatest impression on you? Why? 16) What´s the most stupid thing you´ve ever done? 17) What´s your idea of the perfect 3-course meal? Describe it and say why 18) Can you name 3 things that make you sad? 19) If you weren´t living these conditions, where would you like to be and why? 20) If you won a lot of money, in what ways would it change your present life and what ways it wouldn´t?

ICE BREAKER- advanced






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