heart - When you do a lot of exercise, you can feel this organ beating very fast., brush teeth - If you don’t do this, you might have to go to the dentist’s., thigh - The top part of your leg., touch toes - If you do yoga or you’re very flexible, you can probably do this easily., lungs - Without them, you can’t breathe., waist - A belt usually goes around this., heel - It’s the back part of your foot, below the ankle., bite nails - If someone looks at your fingers, they can tell if you have this nervous habit., wink - You can do this with one eye to show you’re not being serious., blow nose - You do this with a tissue when you have a cold., raise eyebrows - A way of showing surprise using the top part of your face., yawn - When you’re bored or tired, you open your mouth and do this., hug - Put your arms around someone to show that you like them., wave - Say goodbye using your hand., shake hands - What two people often do when they meet for the first time., nod head - You can do this instead of saying yes., elbow - The part of your body between your upper and lower arm., stare - When you look at something for a long time., stretch - You should do this after doing exercise., frown - Move your forehead and eyebrows to show you aren’t pleased.,





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