1) What is better for the health of animals? a) Pure animals b) Not pure animals c) Both 2) What is the meaning of "ELISA"? a) Enzyme ligade inmmunosorbent essay b) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay c) Essay ligade inmmunosorbent enzime 3) Which color is the Gram negative bacteria? a) Pink/Red b) Green c) Purple d) Gray 4) Which is the best test to demostrate that you have a virus? a) Virus insolation in chick embryo b) ELISA c) PCR d) Immunofluorescence 5) How many cavities does the stomach of a rumiant have? a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 8 6) Which animal is the most similar as human inmmunologically? a) Pig b) Mouse c) Chimpanzee d) Snake 7) What is the most abundat cell during a parasitical infection? a) Macrophages b) Neutrophils c) Basophiles d) eosinophils 8) Which vertebrae have the largest spinous process? a) thoracic b) Cervical c) Lumbar d) Coccygeas 9) What is the most common illnes in cows by ticks? a) Fever b) Babesiosis c) Salmonellosis d) Trichinellosis 10) What is passive inmmunity? a) That immunity doesn't exist b) the immunity that is acquired as you grow c) the immunity that the mother gives 11) Which is the zootechnical animal with the biggest number of teeth? a) pig b) horse c) Bovine 12) Why do animal eyes glow in the dark? a) because it is a mechanism to look threatening b) because they have a structure in the eye called "tapetum lucidum" that gives them night vision  c) because they have a structure in the eye called "vision lucidum" that gives them night vision





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