1) What is acid(drug) called? a) LDS b) LSD c) LDD d) LSS e) SSL f) DDL 2) How many years in prison would you serve if caught selling LSD? a) 8 weeks b) 2 years c) 7 days d) 9 years e) 7 years f) 5 months 3) Name two things LSD makes you feel a) Giggly and Sympathetic b) Terrible and happy c) Euphoric and anxious d) Panicked and lololow e) Overwhelmed and hallucinate f) Confused and awkward 4) Where is it made? a) England b) Australia c) America (U.S.A) d) Spain e) Inlgand f) Russia 5) What is the experience called when having flashbacks? a) HPPD b) HPDD c) Hallucinations Persisting Perceptions Disorder d) Hallucinations Perceptive Depressed Disease e) Hallucination Perspective Disorder f) HDC





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