1) Bandwidth a) A person who promotes a brand passionately b) Combined effort that produces a greater effect c) Capacity to handle more work or tasks d) Brief and persuasive sales pitch 2) Synergy a) In agreement or understanding b) Combined effort that produces a greater effect c) A situation where all parties benefit d) Person or group with an interest in the outcome 3) Leverage a) Use resources or relationships to gain a strategic advantage b) Network or system of interconnected businesses or processes c) Network of interrelated businesses or processes d) Information that can be acted upon to improve results 4) Touch base a) Information that can be acted upon to improve results b) Make contact or communicate c) Detailed and specific d) Ability to grow and manage increased demand 5) Circle back a) Revisit a discussion or task at a later time b) Personal investment or risk in a project c) Tangible or intangible outcome of a project d) Starting a business with minimal financial resources 6) Low-hanging fruit a) Capacity to handle more work or tasks b) Measure of profitability c) Integrated approach to sales and marketing across multiple channels d) Easily achievable tasks or goals 7) Paradigm shift a) Fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions b) Information that can be acted upon to improve results c) Brief and persuasive sales pitch d) Agreement or cooperation among different groups 8) Move the needle a) Make a noticeable impact or difference b) Capacity to handle more work or tasks c) Specialized team assembled to solve a specific problem d) Sharing of knowledge between individuals or groups 9) On the same page a) Focused on a very specific geographic area b) Series of tasks or activities within a project c) Authoritative report providing information on an issue d) In agreement or understanding 10) Win-win a) Easily achievable tasks or goals b) Essential to the operation or success c) A situation where all parties benefit d) Make the best or most effective use of resources 11) Think outside the box a) A situation where all parties benefit b) Approach a problem in an innovative or unconventional way c) Innovation that significantly alters an industry d) Main strength or strategic advantage 12) Scalability a) Process of integrating new employees b) Ability to grow and manage increased demand c) Integrated approach to sales and marketing across multiple channels d) Easy and fast achievement 13) Deep dive a) Thorough examination or analysis b) Considering all factors and perspectives c) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers d) Authoritative report providing information on an issue 14) Bandwidth a) Make the best or most effective use of resources b) Something that significantly alters the outcome c) Revisit a discussion or task at a later time d) Capacity to handle more work or tasks 15) Boil the ocean a) Thorough examination or analysis b) Integrated approach to sales and marketing across multiple channels c) Focused on the needs and satisfaction of customers d) Attempt an impossible or overly ambitious task 16) Value proposition a) Unique value or benefit offered by a product or service b) Focused on the needs and satisfaction of customers c) Standard or point of reference d) Business model offering free basic services with paid premium options 17) Core competency a) Extent to which a product is recognized and used b) Main strength or strategic advantage c) Person or group with an interest in the outcome d) A person who promotes a brand passionately 18) Quick win a) Extend current limits or boundaries b) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers c) Network or system of interconnected businesses or processes d) Easy and fast achievement 19) ROI (Return on Investment) a) Measure of profitability b) Process that ensures feedback is used for improvement c) Accept responsibility for a task or project d) Strategy for launching a product or service 20) Ping a) Send a brief message or reminder b) Essential to the operation or success c) Easily achievable tasks or goals d) Situation where one party's gain is another party's loss 21) Pivot a) Company's aspirations and long-term goals b) Change strategy or approach c) Extend current limits or boundaries d) Company's purpose and core values 22) Bleeding edge a) Extremely advanced or innovative b) Focused on the needs and satisfaction of customers c) Process that ensures feedback is used for improvement d) Combined effort that produces a greater effect 23) Empower a) Amount of time a company can operate before needing more funding b) Make contact or communicate c) Give authority or power to d) A situation where all parties benefit 24) Disrupt a) High-ranking executives, such as CEO, CFO, etc. b) Combined effort that produces a greater effect c) Agreement or commitment from stakeholders d) Radically change or innovate an industry or market 25) Optimize a) Personal investment or risk in a project b) Make the best or most effective use of resources c) Company's purpose and core values d) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers 26) Benchmark a) Standard or point of reference b) Something that significantly alters the outcome c) Evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats d) Focused on a very specific geographic area 27) Drill down a) Capacity to handle more work or tasks b) Isolated department or group within an organization c) Change strategy or approach d) Investigate or explore in more detail 28) Granular a) Detailed and specific b) Combined effort that produces a greater effect c) Make a noticeable impact or difference d) Unite and defend against criticism or attack 29) Best practice a) Isolated department or group within an organization b) Person or group with an interest in the outcome c) Extend current limits or boundaries d) Most efficient or effective method 30) Seamless a) Smooth and without interruptions b) Personal investment or risk in a project c) Considering all factors and perspectives d) Path a customer takes from awareness to purchase 31) Onboarding a) Ready-made products or solutions b) Process of integrating new employees c) Fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions d) Combined effort that produces a greater effect 32) Game changer a) Sharing of knowledge between individuals or groups b) Essential to the operation or success c) Combined effort that produces a greater effect d) Something that significantly alters the outcome 33) Take it offline a) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers b) Ability to grow and manage increased demand c) Sequence of activities that add value to a product or service d) Discuss privately or outside the current meeting 34) Customer-centric a) Main strength or strategic advantage b) Starting a business with minimal financial resources c) Change strategy or approach d) Focused on the needs and satisfaction of customers 35) Pain point a) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers b) Easily achievable tasks or goals c) Discuss privately or outside the current meeting d) Attempt an impossible or overly ambitious task 36) Buy-in a) Agreement or commitment from stakeholders b) Alignment with overall business strategy c) Path a customer takes from awareness to purchase d) Main strength or strategic advantage 37) Alignment a) Group of experts providing advice and ideas b) Agreement or cooperation among different groups c) Recognized authority or expert in a field d) Easily achievable tasks or goals 38) Streamline a) Tangible or intangible outcome of a project b) Detailed and specific c) A situation where all parties benefit d) Simplify processes to improve efficiency 39) Thought leader a) Change strategy or approach b) A situation where all parties benefit c) Recognized authority or expert in a field d) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers 40) Silo a) Process that ensures feedback is used for improvement b) Capacity to handle more work or tasks c) Isolated department or group within an organization d) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers 41) C-suite a) Generate revenue from a product or service b) Standard or point of reference c) High-ranking executives, such as CEO, CFO, etc. d) Metrics used to measure success 42) Ecosystem a) Investigate or explore in more detail b) Decisions based on data analysis and interpretation c) Network or system of interconnected businesses or processes d) Process of integrating new employees 43) Uplift a) Something that significantly alters the outcome b) Process of integrating new employees c) Capacity to handle more work or tasks d) Increase or improvement 44) Burn rate a) Considering all factors and perspectives b) Rate at which a company spends money c) Control of multiple stages of production or supply chain d) Information that can be acted upon to improve results 45) Go-to-market a) Metrics used to measure success b) Revisit a discussion or task at a later time c) Strategy for launching a product or service d) Personal investment or risk in a project 46) Hyperlocal a) High-ranking executives, such as CEO, CFO, etc. b) Focused on a very specific geographic area c) Smooth and without interruptions d) Easy and fast achievement 47) Ideate a) Person or group with an interest in the outcome b) Starting a business with minimal financial resources c) Integrated approach to sales and marketing across multiple channels d) Generate ideas or concepts 48) Stakeholder a) Person or group with an interest in the outcome b) Process that ensures feedback is used for improvement c) Unique value or benefit offered by a product or service d) Ready-made products or solutions 49) Mission-critical a) High-ranking executives, such as CEO, CFO, etc. b) Essential to the operation or success c) Easy and fast achievement d) Combined effort that produces a greater effect 50) Deliverable a) Path a customer takes from awareness to purchase b) Company's aspirations and long-term goals c) Tangible or intangible outcome of a project d) Standard or point of reference 51) Actionable insights a) Integrated approach to sales and marketing across multiple channels b) Control of multiple stages of production or supply chain c) Extremely advanced or innovative d) Information that can be acted upon to improve results 52) Bootstrapping a) Brief and persuasive sales pitch b) Path a customer takes from awareness to purchase c) Ability to grow and manage increased demand d) Starting a business with minimal financial resources 53) Brand evangelist a) Discuss privately or outside the current meeting b) Innovation that significantly alters an industry c) Combined effort that produces a greater effect d) A person who promotes a brand passionately 54) Cadence a) Regular and recurring sequence of events b) Starting a business with minimal financial resources c) Gradual expansion of project scope d) Strategy for launching a product or service 55) Circle the wagons a) Fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions b) Unite and defend against criticism or attack c) Regular and recurring sequence of events d) Easy and fast achievement 56) Closed loop a) Capacity to handle more work or tasks b) Person or group with an interest in the outcome c) Standard or point of reference d) Process that ensures feedback is used for improvement 57) Disruptive innovation a) Amount of time a company can operate before needing more funding b) Innovation that significantly alters an industry c) Network of interrelated businesses or processes d) Person or group with an interest in the outcome 58) Ecosystem a) Specialized team assembled to solve a specific problem b) Recognized authority or expert in a field c) Network of interrelated businesses or processes d) Increase or improvement 59) Elevator pitch a) Approach a problem in an innovative or unconventional way b) Brief and persuasive sales pitch c) Considering all factors and perspectives d) Capacity to handle more work or tasks 60) Gain traction a) Essential to the operation or success b) Achieve progress or momentum c) Information that can be acted upon to improve results d) Smooth and without interruptions 61) Holistic approach a) Decisions based on data analysis and interpretation b) Company's aspirations and long-term goals c) Considering all factors and perspectives d) Generate ideas or concepts 62) Ideation a) Process of generating ideas b) A situation where all parties benefit c) Extend current limits or boundaries d) Starting a business with minimal financial resources 63) Key performance indicators (KPIs) a) Send a brief message or reminder b) Metrics used to measure success c) Gradual expansion of project scope d) Accept responsibility for a task or project 64) Knowledge transfer a) Regular and recurring sequence of events b) Sharing of knowledge between individuals or groups c) Simplify processes to improve efficiency d) Unique value or benefit offered by a product or service 65) Low-hanging fruit a) Simplify processes to improve efficiency b) Easily achievable tasks or goals c) Regular and recurring sequence of events d) Persuade customers to purchase additional or more expensive items 66) Market penetration a) Metrics used to measure success b) Revisit a discussion or task at a later time c) Capacity to handle more work or tasks d) Extent to which a product is recognized and used 67) Mission statement a) Approach a problem in an innovative or unconventional way b) Give authority or power to c) Company's purpose and core values d) In agreement or understanding 68) Monetize a) Simplify processes to improve efficiency b) Generate revenue from a product or service c) Agreement or cooperation among different groups d) Focused on a very specific geographic area 69) Move the goalposts a) Combined effort that produces a greater effect b) Strategy for launching a product or service c) Capacity to handle more work or tasks d) Change criteria for success or requirements 70) Off the shelf a) Ready-made products or solutions b) Make contact or communicate c) Unite and defend against criticism or attack d) Considering all factors and perspectives 71) Omnichannel a) Easy and fast achievement b) Integrated approach to sales and marketing across multiple channels c) Agreement or commitment from stakeholders d) Focused on a very specific geographic area 72) Pain point a) Focused on the needs and satisfaction of customers b) Unique value or benefit offered by a product or service c) Specific problem or difficulty faced by customers d) Group of experts providing advice and ideas 73) Paradigm shift a) Most efficient or effective method b) In agreement or understanding c) Fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions d) Generate revenue from a product or service 74) Push the envelope a) Recognized authority or expert in a field b) Extend current limits or boundaries c) Make the best or most effective use of resources d) Combined effort that produces a greater effect 75) Runway a) Amount of time a company can operate before needing more funding b) Series of tasks or activities within a project c) Revisit a discussion or task at a later time d) Accept responsibility for a task or project 76) Scalable a) Ability to grow and manage increased demand b) Easy and fast achievement c) Increase or improvement d) Generate ideas or concepts 77) Scope creep a) Specialized team assembled to solve a specific problem b) Essential to the operation or success c) Make a noticeable impact or difference d) Gradual expansion of project scope 78) Skin in the game a) Generate revenue from a product or service b) Combined effort that produces a greater effect c) Personal investment or risk in a project d) Network or system of interconnected businesses or processes 79) Stakeholder a) Personal investment or risk in a project b) Achieve progress or momentum c) Specialized team assembled to solve a specific problem d) Person or group with an interest in the outcome 80) Strategic fit a) Alignment with overall business strategy b) Unite and defend against criticism or attack c) Use resources or relationships to gain a strategic advantage d) Capacity to handle more work or tasks 81) SWOT analysis a) Essential to the operation or success b) Evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats c) Additional features or benefits that increase value d) Considering all factors and perspectives 82) Synergy a) In agreement or understanding b) Combined effort that produces a greater effect c) Company's aspirations and long-term goals d) Innovation that significantly alters an industry 83) Take ownership a) Measure of profitability b) Process of generating ideas c) Accept responsibility for a task or project d) Business model offering free basic services with paid premium options 84) Think tank a) Innovation that significantly alters an industry b) Revisit a discussion or task at a later time c) Capacity to handle more work or tasks d) Group of experts providing advice and ideas 85) Tiger team a) Increase or improvement b) Specialized team assembled to solve a specific problem c) Interaction or point of contact with customers d) Authoritative report providing information on an issue 86) Touchpoint a) Considering all factors and perspectives b) Interaction or point of contact with customers c) Ready-to-use solution that requires no further work d) Network of interrelated businesses or processes 87) Turnkey solution a) Ready-to-use solution that requires no further work b) Strategy for launching a product or service c) Business model offering free basic services with paid premium options d) Person or group with an interest in the outcome 88) Value chain a) Company's purpose and core values b) Sequence of activities that add value to a product or service c) Ability to grow and manage increased demand d) Process that ensures feedback is used for improvement 89) Value-added a) A situation where all parties benefit b) Gradual expansion of project scope c) Additional features or benefits that increase value d) Process of generating ideas 90) Vertical integration a) Achieve progress or momentum b) Information that can be acted upon to improve results c) Control of multiple stages of production or supply chain d) Regular and recurring sequence of events 91) Vision statement a) Essential to the operation or success b) Company's aspirations and long-term goals c) Isolated department or group within an organization d) Sharing of knowledge between individuals or groups 92) White paper a) Accept responsibility for a task or project b) Innovation that significantly alters an industry c) Authoritative report providing information on an issue d) In agreement or understanding 93) Win-win a) Ready-to-use solution that requires no further work b) A situation where all parties benefit c) Considering all factors and perspectives d) Person or group with an interest in the outcome 94) Workstream a) Smooth and without interruptions b) Decisions based on data analysis and interpretation c) Starting a business with minimal financial resources d) Series of tasks or activities within a project 95) Zero-sum game a) Attempt an impossible or overly ambitious task b) Situation where one party's gain is another party's loss c) Process of integrating new employees d) Process that ensures feedback is used for improvement 96) Blue-sky thinking a) Agreement or commitment from stakeholders b) A situation where all parties benefit c) Situation where one party's gain is another party's loss d) Creative and open-minded brainstorming 97) Customer journey a) Path a customer takes from awareness to purchase b) Extremely advanced or innovative c) Thorough examination or analysis d) Creative and open-minded brainstorming 98) Data-driven a) Use resources or relationships to gain a strategic advantage b) Company's purpose and core values c) A situation where all parties benefit d) Decisions based on data analysis and interpretation 99) Freemium a) Focused on the needs and satisfaction of customers b) Change strategy or approach c) Regular and recurring sequence of events d) Business model offering free basic services with paid premium options 100) Upsell a) Creative and open-minded brainstorming b) A situation where all parties benefit c) Persuade customers to purchase additional or more expensive items d) Most efficient or effective method

I3+ Business Skills Jargon Quiz 2





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