1) Everybody knows that bears love a) Honey b) Fish c) Bees d) Jam 2) One day Mr.Bear looks in his cupboard and … any honey a) he can find b) she cannot find c) he cannot find d) she can find 3) He goes to … to find some honey a) the field b) a tree c) the forest d) a beehive 4) The bee is angry and says … a) ”You are welcome!” b) ”How are you?” c) ”Don’t touch me” d) ”Go away” 5) Mr bear is … than the bee a) stronger and bigger b) cleverer and nicer c) stronger and cleverer d) bigger and nicer 6) The bee … Mr Bear on his nose a) smash b) sting c) pet d) touch 7) Mr. Bear is so … a) thirsty b) happy c) hungry d) angry 8) Mr. Bear finds … and tries to hit the bee a) a small log b) a big stick c) a little tree d) a heavy rock 9) Mr Bear is so angry, so he … a) burn the beehive b) drop the beehive  c) smash the beehive d) put the bee 10) The beehive falls and Mr.Bear … a) hears a strange sound b) hears a strange voice c) hears angry bees d) hears Mrs.Bear 11) Angry bees fly out of the beehive and … a) kick Mr.Bear b) chase Mr.Bear c) tickle Mr.Bear d) scream at Mr.Bear 12) Mrs. Bear says … a) “You lost your temper” b) “Why do you smash the beehive?” c) ”You lost your job” d) “Why are you angry?” 13) The sting №5 is on Mr.Bear’s a) elbow b) arm c) nose d) neck 14) Mrs.Bear says they have honey in the cupboard, it is a) near a jar of jam b) behind the flour c) on the shelf d) under the box

"The bear and the bee" story &task





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