1) Where are you going after your English class ? 2) What is the capital of the USA ? 3) READ : " I visited Italy." 4) What is your favourite film ? 5) How old is your brother/sister/pet ? 6) What's the date today ? 7) Spell your last name in English. 8) What's the English for "hier" ? 9) How are you today ? 10) Say it in English : elle a les cheveux bruns. 11) What was the weather like yesterday ? 12) What did you do yesterday ? 13) What did you have for breakfast today ? 14) Read these numbers : 13, 45, 181 15) Can you name three cities in England ? 16) What time is it ? 17) When is Christmas ? 18) What is the capital of Scotland ? 19) What"s my name ? 20) Name 5 English-speaking countries. 21) READ : I watched TV last night. 22) TRANSLATE : Je ne parle pas Italien mais je parle espagnol. 23) What's your hobby ? 24) Have you ever been to Australia ? 25) Can you name 5 means of transport ? 26) What is the name of the British monarch ? 27) Where did the Olympic games took place last month ? 28) TRANSLATE : Il ne pleut pas. 29) Can you name 5 American states ? 30) Where did you go on holiday this summer ?

What do you remember from last year in 5e ?






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