1) My brother is a very ____________ sleeper. He can't wake up easily. a) deep b) heavy 2) I'm so happy! I got a ___________ score in my final exam. a) low b) high 3) It was such a ________ storm that all the shops and the schools closed. a) good b) bad 4) I met Marisa when we were at school. She's a very _________ friend. a) mild b) close 5) Every summer, we have really _________ temperatures. It's so hot! a) high b) low 6) I got a better job. Now, I earn a _______ salary. a) high b) heavy 7) Peter arrived late because there was ________ traffic in the city centre. a) high b) heavy 8) I don't like _________ coffee so I always put some extra water in it. a) strong b) light 9) James is a really good employee. His boss says he's a _________ worker. a) weak b) hard 10) Raji speaks English with a ________ Indian accent. a) strong b) hard






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