Do you know anyone who never ... angry? - gets, When was the last time you ... really angry? - got, How often do you ... for a walk? - go, How much time does it ... you to ... to the office? - take, get, How often do you ... taxi? Do you think ... taxi is better than owning your won car? - take, taking, When did you ... your degree? Did it turn out to be useful? - get, What house chores do you ... with most / least pleasure? - do, Do you ... well with your colleagues? - get on, Do we need the skill of ... research in our daily life? What was the last research you ... ? - do, did,

SO B1 Unit 1.2 vocabulary plus (questions)


แฟลชการ์ด เป็นแม่แบบแบบเปิดที่ไม่ได้สร้างคะแนนสำหรับลีดเดอร์บอร์ด




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