Bias: - A tendency to favor one perspective over another, often in an unfair manner., Concession: - Acknowledging a point made by the opposing side, Context: - The circumstances or background relevant to understanding a situation or argument., Counterargument: - An argument opposing the main claim or thesis., Reliability: - The consistency and trustworthiness of evidence or sources., Thesis: - The main argument or claim in a piece of writing., Rebuttal: - A response that counters an argument or claim., Argument: - a claim or thesis that conveys a perspective developed through a line of reasoning and supported by evidence, alignment - cohesion between the focus of an inquiry, the method of collecting information, the process of analysis of the information, and the conclusions made to increase understanding of that focus, lens - filter through which an issue or topic is considered or examined, line of reasoning - arrangement of claims and evidence that leads to a conclusion, plagiarism - failure to acknowledge , attribute, and/or cite any ideas or evidence taken from another author, scaffolding - the provision of temporary structured support fro students to aid skill development, resolution - the act of solving a problem or dispute, tone - the way in which an author expresses an attitude about his or her topic or subject through rhetorical choices,

AP seminar glossary





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