1) My mum __________ (not wake up) late. a) don't wake up b) doesn't wake up c) doesn't wakes up 2) I _________ (walk) my dog every morning. a) walk b) walkes c) walks 3) My brother ______________ (fly) his kite in windy days. a) flys b) fly c) flies 4) ______ you ________ (like) watching TV? a) Does-like b) Do-like c) Do-likes 5) We ____________ (not read) horror books. a) doesn't read b) don't read c) doesn't reads 6) Tom __________ (make) his bed. a) makes b) make c) makees 7) _______ he ______ (go) to school? a) Does-goes b) Do-go c) Does-go 8) They _________ (speak) English in the U.S.A. a) speaks b) speak c) speakes 9) My granny ___________(wash) the dishes after meals. a) washs b) washes c) wash 10) My sister ________ (do) the ironing. a) does b) do c) dos 11) My parents ____________ (not go) to the cinema on Mondays. a) don't go b) doesn't go c) doesn't goes 12) Sue ______________ (not do) her homework on time. a) don't do b) doesn't do c) doesn't does 13) Tom and Jack ___________(not brush) their teeth every night. a) doesn't brush b) don't brush c) doesn't brushes 14) My mum ________ (drive) me to school. a) drive b) drives c) drivies 15) My baby brother ____________ (cry) every night. a) cryies b) crys c) cries 16) ________ Bob _______ (go) to gym at the weekend? a) Does-go b) Do-go c) Does-goes 17) It usually _______________ ( rain) every day here. a) rains b) rain c) raines 18) The students ___________ (wear) uniforms at school. a) wears b) wear c) weares

Present Simple






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