1) They say they want to help the disabled, but they should put their money where their ___________ is.  a) mouth b) pocket c) hand d) wallet 2) No, you can´t have more pocket money. Money doesn´t grow on ________________, you know.  a) plants b) bushes c) trees d) flowers 3) The shop wouldn´t accept a cheque or credit card. They insisted on __________________. a) cash money b) cold cash c) hard cash d) Pat Cash 4) Hotels are always expensive but we had to pay through the _____________ for the room we wanted.  a) nose b) hand c) eye d) mouth 5) I always prefer to pay my own __________, so you pay your bill and I´ll pay mine.  a) road b) way c) path d) track 6) I have no idea where he gets it from, but Martin´s been spending money like ___________ recently.  a) water b) juice c) air d) a boss 7) It´s the local council that has to decide whether to build a new school. It holds the ________________ stringsings.  a) kite b) purse c) wallet d) puppet 8) We couldn´t afford a new car - I´m afraid it would break the ______________. a) pocket b) savings c) wallet d) bank 9) Mo Salah rose from rags to _______________ to become one of the best football players in the world. a) riches b) tuxedos c) success d) royalty 10) They are now saying that everyone is cooking the _______________. If it's true, it's a very serious allegation. a) lunch b) books c) accounts d) ledgers

Unit 7 Complete Advanced - Money Idioms






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