1) The amount of a quantity per unit of another quantity. a) Rate b) Length c) Verical d) Breadth 2) For each a) Figure b) Quantity c) Breadth d) Per 3) Be full to the point of overflowing a) Mass b) Perpendicular c) Rate d) Brim 4) How much of something there is that can be counted or measured a) Quantity b) Consumption c) Score d) Rate 5) In between the smallest data and the largest data a) Averate b) Quantity c) Length d) Data 6) The amount of energy, oil, electricity etc that is used a) Cuboid b) Consumption c) Perpendicular d) Score 7) the amount of material in something a) Mass b) Per c) Figure d) Data 8) Facts and statistics collected together or numbers or a piece of information a) Brim b) Data c) Quantity d) Quadrilateral 9) The number of points you have a) Volume b) Averate c) Figure d) Score 10) At an angle of 90 degrees to a given line a) Mass b) Length c) Cube d) Perpendicular 11) A component of anything with form a) Figure b) Mass c) Brim d) parallelogram 12) To describe something in an up-down position a) Vertical b) Volume c) Quantity d) Pararel 13) A four sided figure a) Quadrilateral b) Mass c) Score d) Per 14) when two lines never meet a) Pararel b) Cuboid c) Verical d) Breadth 15) The quadrilateral that the opposite sides are parallel and equal a) Quadrilateral b) Brim c) parallelogram d) Verical 16) A distance that tells us how long something is a) Figure b) Quadrilateral c) Brim d) Length 17) How broad that thing is or how wide something is a) Breadth b) Quantity c) Pararel d) Length 18) The amount of space in a container a) Figure b) Length c) Score d) Volume 19) A symmetrical three-dimensional shape, either solid or hollow, contained by six equal squares a) Volume b) Cuboid c) Figure d) Cube 20) A solid which has six rectangular faces at right angles to each other a) Perpendicular b) Cuboid c) Data d) Cube





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