en-suite - (of a bathroom) joined onto a bedroom and therefore private, open-plan - having large open areas with few or no interior walls, exclusive - high class and expensive, reserved for only a select few, drive - short road leading from a public road to a house or a garage, boast - have something that one can be proud of, asking price - price that somebody wants to sell something for, awning - piece of material stretched over a frame that helps keep the sun off a deck, balcony or similar outdoor area, decking - wooden boards used to construct the floor of a deck, shutter - one of a pair of wooden or metal covers that may be fitted on the outside of a window, patio - flat paved or tiled area outside a house where people sit, shed - simple structure where wood, tools etc can be stored, porch - a raised platform attached to the front, back or side of a house, cellar - area below ground level in a house or other building, window sill - narrow self or ledge underneath the frame of a window, mantlepiece - structure which surrounds a fireplace, plaster - mixture of lime, water and sand that hardens when dry and is used to cover walls and ceilings, gravel - small stones often used to cover a path, road or other surface, building plot - area of land on which something is to be built, loft conversion - area under the roof of a house that has been converted from a storage space into a bedroom, den etc, railing - fence or barrier made of metal bars calles rails, bannister - metal or wooden structure of bars and a handrail found at the side of a stairway, suite - set of matching pieces of furniture, window seat - seat directly below a window, upholstery - material used to cover sofas , armchairs and other furnitire, bedding - sheets, blankets , duvets and other things that you put on a bed, fitted carpet - heavy woven floor covering that is cut to fit all or most of a room, rug - heavy woven floor covering designed to cover part of a room, skylight - large glass window that is set into a roof to let in natural light, sloping - slanted, set at an angle, bay window - window that projects out from the outside wall of a house , usually with glass on three sides,

REACTIVATE C1/C2 - UNIT 15 Kekatou School





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