Is everything OK? You look a bit d..., Marta's lied to me several times. I've just found it out. I'm so u..., This is such good news! I can't stop smiling! I'm so d...., It's been a really long day and I haven't had any time to sit down, I'm so s..., I haven't seen anyone all week. I'm feeling l..., oh, I think I can hear something downstairs. No, don't leave me! I'm s.. s..., There's a spider?! I can't go in. They scare me! I'm t ..., My wife just got a promotion. She's brilliant! I'm so p...., We thought we would never see our cat again, but we found him! We're so r..., The holiday was awful. It rained all day. I was so m....!, I just.. I can't understand this. What does this mean? I'm so b..., It's such a surprise! I don't know what to say. I'm absolutely s..., She's the love of my life and now she's gone.I'm just d..., Matt has been complaining for hours! I can't listen to it anymore, I'm f... u...!, It's a shame I couldn't go to Helen's party. I heard it was amazing.  I'm g ..., I've been trying to find a job for months.I need the money for rent. I'm getting d..., Well! It's really late. He accepted the invitation and he's clearly not coming. I'm quite o..., We won the cup! We won!!! Yes!! We need to celebrate! I'm so happy! I'm really t...., I've been living in India for 6 months now. I really miss my country, I feel h....

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