1) I wanted to meet Anja, but she ________ when I got to the barbecue. a) has already left b) have alredy left c) had already left 2) I immediately regretted ________ the text. a) sending b) to send c) sent 3) I ________ my report for an hour when my computer crashed and lost it all. a) was writing b) had been writing c) has been writing 4) I wish we ________ that car. It’s been nothing but trouble! a) didn't buy b) wouldn't buy c) hadn't bought 5) I’ll bring something to eat in case we ________ hungry. a) get b) will get c) are getting 6) You shouldn’t ________ so long in the sun yesterday – you’ve got sunburn. a) spend b) spent c) have spent 7) I think I ________ enough Japanese by the time I go to Japan. a) will learn b) will be learning c) will have learnt 8) I think I’d have got the job if I ________ that stupid question. a) don't ask b) didn't ask c) hadn't asked 9) We couldn’t go inside the town hall because it ________ a) was being redecorated b) was redecorating c) is redecorated 10) I’ll let you know your exam results as soon as I ________ them with your tutor. a) will discuss b) have discussed c) discussed 11) I don’t speak German very well, but my sister ________ a) speaks b) does c) did 12) I can’t ________ used to this smartphone – it’s so different from my old one! a) get b) be c) was 13) Neither Rob ________ Bea are interested in joining the reading group. a) or b) nor c) either 14) There’s ________ milk in the fridge. Can you go and get some from the corner shop? a) any b) some c) no 15) It was ________ a big shock that we all had to sit down. a) such b) so c) that 16) Does anyone know where ________? a) lives Sofia b) Sofia lives c) does Sofia live 17) ________ the very steep climb up the last hill, we all really enjoyed the walk. a) Although b) In spite c) Despite 18) ________ are becoming an increasingly large proportion of many societies. a) Elderly b) The elderly c) The elderly people 19) We played the music quietly ________ wake the children. a) to not b) not to c) so as not to 20) Our eldest daughter is at ________ university. She’s studying Genetics. a) the b) a c) (-) 21) I ________ when I’m cleaning my flat. a) play music often b) play often music c) often play music 22) The man was charged ________ both fraud and bribery a) of b) with c) for 23) I’m ________ and tired of listening to you complaining about your job – why don’t you just quit? a) fed up b) bored c) sick 24) I wore my new trainers on my run today, and now I’ve got ________ on my feet! a) burns b) blisters c) rashes 25) We were ________ when we heard that Will’s ankle wasn’t broken, only sprained. a) disappointed b) relieved c) upset 26) I think Elliott was very tired – he’s ________ asleep on the sofa. a) full b) fast c) deep 27) Please keep reminding Nadia bout the meeting – she’s quite ________-minded. a) narrow b) open c) absent 28) I was trying hard not to ________ my voice, but I was getting angrier and angrier. a) put up b) raise c) rise 29) I felt very ________ when I couldn’t remember her name. a) embarrassed b) embarrassing c) embarrass 30) My new watch is _____________ . Water can't get inside it. a) watery b) waterfull c) waterproof


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