rough - not smooth, soggy - wet and soft, coastal - located on or near or bordering on a coast, lukewarm - only moderately warm, not hot but not cold; without enthusiasm, plunge - jump or dive quickly and energetically, foolhardiness - Recklessness, carelessness, foolishness, soapy - containing or covered with soap, soaked - very wet, steep - having a sharp inclination, recklessness - disregarding a substantial and unjustifiable risk that harm will result, stagnant - not moving, take a header - jump onto your head, shallow - not deep, jetty - A structure that projects into the water and protects the shore, pier - a structure projecting into the water and used as a docking or loading place for ships, ferocious - savage; fierce, flaunt - to show off, bravado - false bravery, downpour - heavy rain in short time, flex - show off, meander - to twist (road, stream), wander aimlessly, foamy - bubbly, sulfurous - containing or derived from sulfur., damp - slightly wet, basin - a low place in the surface of the land, usually with a body of water occupying the lowest part,


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