1) What's your favorite season? a) Spring b) Summer c) Autum d) Winter 2) What's your favorite season? a) Spring b) Summer c) Autum d) Winter 3) What's your favorite season? a) Spring b) Summer c) Autum d) Winter 4) What's your favorite season? a) Spring b) Summer c) Autum d) Winter 5) It's _____ in Spring. a) warm b) hot c) cool d) cold 6) It's _____ in Autum. a) warm b) hot c) cool d) cold 7) It's _____ in Winter. a) warm b) hot c) cool d) cold 8) It's _____ in Summer. a) warm b) hot c) cool d) cold 9) I like to eat ice cream. What's my favorite season? a) Spring b) Summer c) Autum d) Winter 10) We love Halloween. What’s our favorite season? a) Spring b) Summer c) Autum d) Winter 11) My sisters like to go skiing. What’s their favorite season? a) Spring b) Summer c) Autum d) Winter

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