their son / a doctor, Molly / a boyfriend, your parents / at home?, you / a pen ?, her dog / not big, this dog / friendly ?, I / a sister, my sister / very nice and smart, we / a beautiful garden, my garden / not small, flowers / not fresh, my car / not green, this bike / red, I / a tennis racket, my mother / a nice watch, Mary / my best friend, Larry and Tom / not / brothers, Sara and you / friendly, your mum / at work ?, Mrs Brown / in the kitchen, this kitchen / clean, you / a boy, she / 8 years old ?, Ben / an umbrella, Ben's umbrella / red, My aunt / two dogs, this cat / a ball?, the parrot / blue ?, I / fine, my father / many books, Mr Richards / not / my grandpa, Mr Bean / stupid?, My first name / not Maria, they / from Italy ?, Paris / not / in Japan, she / American ?, my sister / not / a laptop, Tim / a new English teacher, Peter / a radio ?, my children / bikes, my grandparents / not a computer, our postman / a big bag, that / not my umbrella, Henry / five sisters, your best friend / a new pullover ?, my mother / not / from the USA, Billy / not / a blue bike, you / my address?, we / a small house, their house / not big, these children / not happy, she / tired ?, she / cold, Mrs Hudson / beautiful ?, I / in the garden now, these carrots / not clean, she / happy ?, we / not / sisters, your camera / new ?, Mike / not / my uncle, I / a chair in the living room, this chair / not / in the bedroom, Simon / a lazy boy, I / not hungry, This hamburger / very big, Our school / new computers, you / a new games console ?, You and your sister / new CDs, the dog / a little house ?, he / English ?, they / sad ?, they / not a happy face, I / a present for you, Kate / not / a present for me, he / a big family ?, Ben and Billy / not / a sportsbag, the girl / short hair, my hair / not black, her hair / black ?, this / not / my dog, your brother / a Ferrari ?, his ears / big, this / an ugly monster, this monster / not / eyes, this monster / three eyes ?, the horse / big teeth, Mandy / a sister and a brother, Danny / a funny face, Sally / beautiful hair, you / apples in the basket?, Ronaldo / a footballer, he / short black hair, you / happy ?, my mother / not a teacher, Frank / a lot of money, you / a lot of money ?, I / a green pencil, my T-shirt / not black, this / your teddy bear ?, this cat / black and white.

be / have got - ustno ocenjevanje


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