1) Suzanna can play volleyball ... . a) good b) well c) goodly 2) You ... spend five hours on the plane when you fly to Morocco. a) have to b) has to c) can 3) We ... with some friends in Ireland. a) stayed b) rested c) spent 4) I ... ride a horse when I was ten. a) did b) can c) could 5) We went ro the US ... plane. a) by b) with c) on 6) I ... speak three languages. a) do b) can c) did 7) I always work ... at school. a) hardly b) difficult c) hard 8) She ... wear a uniform to school. a) doesn't have to b) mustn't c) don't have to 9) Last week, I ... every day. a) was swim b) swimmed c) swam 10) In football, you ... kick the ball. a) have to b) mustn't c) can't


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