1) Effect: The tooth fairy came. a) It was christmas b) You lost a tooth 2) Effect: There is a rainbow. a) It rained. b) It snowed. 3) Effect: I found the treasure. a) I used a map. b) I wrote a letter. 4) Effect: The ice melted. a) It was cold. b) It was hot. 5) Effect: We made a snowman. a) It was raining. b) It was snowing. 6) Effect: She raised her hand. a) She had a question b) It was the lunch time. 7) Effect: We had cake a) It was Christmas b) It was my birthday 8) Effect: He was sad a) He got a present b) His toy broke 9) Effect: I used an umbrella. a) It was raining b) It helped the plants.

cause and effect


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