1) Tudok úszni. a) I can swim. b) I can draw. c) I can sing. 2) Ő tud olvasni. a) They can read. b) She can write. c) She can read. 3) Mi nem tudunk futni. a) We can't run. b) We can run. c) You can't run. 4) Tudsz zongorázni? a) You can play the piano. b) Can you play the piano? c) Can they play the piano? 5) Ők nem tudnak teniszezni. a) They can play tennis. b) Can they play tennis? c) They can't play tennis. 6) Ő nem tud lovagolni. a) She can't ride a horse. b) She can't drive a car. c) She can't take a photo. 7) Én tudok angolul beszélni. a) I can't speak English. b) I can speak English. c) You can speak English. 8) Anyukám nem tud röplabdázni. a) My mother can play volleyball. b) My mother can't play basketball. c) My mother can't play volleyball. 9) Tud a testvéred hegedülni? a) Can your sister play the violin? b) Can he play the violin? c) Your sister can play the violin. 10) Ők nem tudnak síelni. a) They can't ski. b) They can't swim. c) They can ski.


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