Caerdydd - Cardiff, Cymru - Wales, gêm (gemau) - game(s), gwlad (gwledydd) - country (countries), gwyliau - holidays, Iwerddon - Ireland, Lloegr - England, Llundain - London, siop (siopau) - shop(s), tref (trefi)  - town(s), tudalen (tudalennau) - page(s), theatr (theatrau) - theatre(s), Yr Alban - Scotland, beic (beiciau) - bike(s), byd - world, dyn (dynion) - man (men), gwely (gwelyau) - bed(s), Nadolig - Christmas, penwythnos (penwythnosau) - weekend(s), sinema (sinemâu) - cinema(s), tîm (timau) - team(s), aros - to stay, to wait, cerdded - to walk, cofio - to remember, dod - to come, dweud - to say, hedfan - to fly, helpu - to help, nabod - to know, to recognise, aml - often, bach - small, gwreiddiol - original, a dweud y gwir - to tell the truth, adre - (towards) home, dros - over, dyna - there is, gan - by, from (a person), neu - or, pan - when, pob - every, pob lwc - good luck, weithiau - sometimes, wir - indeed, yno - there,

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