1) We ... Minecraft yesterday. a) didn't played b) didn't play 2) My mother ... soup yesterday. a) didn't cooked b) didn't cook 3) She ... diamonds last week. a) didn't collect b) didn't collected 4) I ... my cave yesterday. a) didn't visit b) didn't visited 5) Alex ... over the wooden block. a) didn't jump b) didn't jumped 6) He ... survival mood in Minecraft. a) didn't like b) didn't liked 7) I ... the Zombie. a) didn't kill b) didn't killed 8) She ... French at school. a) didn't build b) didn't building  9) Paula ... Protect his farm last week. a) didn't Protected b) didn't Protect 10) Zombies ... my shelter. a) didn't attack b) didn't attacked


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