1) What do you do on a summer day? 2) Are summer holidays your favourite? Why/why not? 3) Beach or swimming pool? Which do you prefer? 4) Do you like travelling during summer? 5) What was your last summer trip like? 6) What's your best memory from summer holidays? 7) Do you ever get bored during summer? 8) Where do you usually spend your summer holidays? With whom? 9) Is there anything you're really looking forward to from this summer holidays? 10) What's your favourite spot to be in summer? 11) What did you use to do in summer when you were a child? 12) Do you practice any water sports in summer? 13) If you where planning your next summer trip, what would be your destination? 14) What are the downsides or disadvantages of summer holidays? 15) What activities or spots would you recommend to somebody spending their summer on the same place as you for the first time? 16) Are these summer holidays going to be any different from previous years? In what ways?



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