Clear Goals - Necessary so that all team members understand the purpose and vision of a team, Defined Roles - To understand their job function for leaders to tap into the skills and talents of group members, Open and Clear Communication - Effective communication will keep a team informed and focused. Important to focus on hearing message before forming our own conclusions., Effective Decision Making - Awareness of various decision-making methods can help team members make efficient decisions. Team member should select a method that’s best for them., Balanced Participation - Full involvement of team members is valued and sought. Important when leaders define what type of participation they expect from team members., Valued Diversity - Diversity of thinking, idea generating, problem-solving and experiences help to create an effective team., Managed Conflict - Important that issues aren’t ignored and avoided in a group. Teams have to find ways to communicate differences and seek common goals., Positive Atmosphere - An effective team has an open climate with each other and aren’t afraid to take risks. Honesty, accountability, acceptance and dependability that builds the trust., Cooperative Relationships - Team members want to work together for the good of the team and understand that combining the skills of numerous people will produce something that could not be created alone., Participative Leadership - Leadership is shared among team members at various times.,

Characteristics of an Effective Team


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