1) 52. Do you get an allowance? 2) 53. What do you spend your money on? 3) 54. Have you ever applied for a job? Do you or any of your friends have a part-time job? 4) 55. What would you do if you found a bag full of money? 5) 56. What would you study if you go to University? 6) 57. Where would you travel if you had the possibility? 7) 58. What would you do if you saw a ghost? 8) 59. What would you wish if you had 3 wishes? 9) 60. What job would you choose if you started work tomorrow? 10) 61. Who would you meet if you could meet someone famous? 11) 62. Where will you go out if you see your friends this weekend? 12) 63. What would you change in Argentina if you were the next President? 13) 64. What would you do if you were invisible for a day? 14) 65. Where would you live if you didn’t live in BA?


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