WilliamMassey - Who was our school named after?, Peninsula - What type of geographic feature is Gallipoli?, Turkey - What country is Gallipoli in?, jail - Where were 286 NZers sent for speaking against the war?, conscientious - People who refused to train for or go to war were called __________________ objectors., PeterFraser - NZ's prime minister who went to jail for opposing conscription.., Dardanelles - The name of the strait that the allies wanted to pass ships through., Samoa - The Pacific Island country that German colonised until 1914., spanish - The name of the flu which swept much of the world in 1918, one - What percent of New Zealands population died from the flu epidemic in 1918., expeditionary - What does the 'E' stand for in NZEF?, Suez - What is the name of the canal that connected the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea?, Egypt - What country did the ANZAC's go to first to train and prepare?, Constantinople - What WAS the name for Turkey's capital, Istanbul?, trenches - What did the ANZAC's and Ottoman defenders both dig?, Godley - Surname of the Major-General of the NZ troops., water - What was not available at Gallipoli and needed to be shipped in daily?, thirteen - How many kilograms did the soldiers at Gallipoli lose on average?, failure - Was the Gallipoli invasion a success or failure?, Belgium - What country is Passchendaele in?, Gallaher - What is the surname of the All Black who was killed at Passchendaele?, LeQuesnoy - The name of the town that NZ soldiers liberated in November 1918.,


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