True: Sunlight is used to convert Carbon Dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.., Inorganic minerals are converted into organic substances in the chloroplasts of plant cells., Plants are classified by their tissue structure into non-vascular plants or bryophytes, and vascular plants or tracheophytes. , The rate of photosynthesis increases as the light intensity increases., CO2 is one of the most important raw materials in photosynthesis, Temperature has no direct effect on photosynthesis., Angiosperms produce seeds inside a fruit and have colourful flowers and gymnosperms have seeds in a cone with insignificant flowers., Ferns are classified as pteridophytes, which are non-flowering plants., In warmer climates, ferns may have an erect woody stem with big leaves above the ground, called fronds., On the underside of the leaves, ferns have sori, or clusters of sporangia, which produce spores., False: Green plants are unable to create their own food., Water and mineral salts in the soil are absorbed through the leaves of plants., Leaves take oxygen from the atmosphere using their plant pores or stomata, Plants are Autotrophs, which means that they cannot make their own food., The rate of photosynthesis is unaffected where there is less water available., Mosses and liverworts have leaves, roots and stems., Bryophytes live in warm and dry habitats and reproduce by means of seeds., Vascular plants do not contain vascular tissue or vessels that transport substances between the different plant parts., Pteridophytes grow from seeds not spores., In colder regions, ferns have an horizontal stem above the ground called a rhizome.,

Plant Kingdom


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