Nuclear fusion - the joining of two light nuclei into a heavier one with the associated production of energy, Nuclear fission - the process in which a heavy nucleus splits up into lighter nuclei, Mass defect - Total mass of nucleons−mass of nucleus, Binding energy - The work (energy) required to completely separate the nucleons of that nucleus., unified atomic mass unit  - 1/12th of the mass of an atom of carbon-12, Transmutation - The process by which one nucleus transforms itself to a new nucleus , E= mc2  - The equation from Einstein's theory of relativity that shows the mass is equivalent to energy , Energy released - When a nucleus is assembled from its constituent nucleons, Energy supplied - When a nucleons are separated from the nucleus, Binding energy/nucleon - The work required to remove one nucleon from the nucleus, More stable nucleus - Higher binding energy per nucleon, Less stable nucleus - Lower binding energy per nucleon, 1u - 1.6605402 × 10−27 kg, mn - 1.008665 u, me - 0.0005486 u, mp - 1.007276 u, ∆m - Zmp + (A − Z )mn − Mnucleus, Energy of 1u - 931.5 MeV c−2, Energy equivalent of mp - 938.3 MeV, Energy equivalent of mn - 939.6 MeV, Energy equivalent of me - 0.511 MeV,

7.3 Nuclear reactions Matching up words and definitions


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