Sarah is ANXIOUS because there is a test today she hasn’t prepared for. - you feel really nervous about something, like an exam or when people are talking behind your back, Jack is CONFUSED because he’s just arrived at school & the whole building is empty and quiet. Where is everyone? - you don’t understand what is going on, Peter is CROSS because his classmate has broken his glasses by accident. - you are very angry and annoyed, The students are DELIGHTED to hear that there are only 3 days left until the Christmas holiday. - you are very happy, Carol feels EMBARRASSED because a ball hit her in P.E. and everybody was laughing at her. - you feel uncomfortable & worry about what people think of you, for example because you made a silly mistake, Sam is ENVIOUS of his little brother because he got a bigger present. - you want something that someone else has, Jane is FRIGHTENED because she is at home alone & she has just watched a horror movie. - you are very afraid and scared, Stuart is RELIEVED because he can practice this History presentation for another day before he has to present it. - you feel happy because you are no longer worried about something, There are no Túró Rudis in the fridge, and your little brother is hiding. You are SUSPICIOUS. - you think that someone is guilty of doing something wrong, I am deeply UPSET about our friends cancelling the New Year’s Eve party. - you are unhappy because something negative or disappointing has happened, Your friend has told your big secret to other people. You are DISAPPOINTED in her. - you are unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or someone did something against you,



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