CARCINOGENESIS - The malignant Transformation. Thought to be at least a three-step cellular process involving initiation, promotion, and progression., CARCINOGENS - An agent that initiates and promotes the development of cancer, INITIATION - Carcinogens, such as chemicals, physical factors, or biological agents cause mutations in the cellular DNA., PROMOTION - Repeated exposure to promoting agents (co-carcinogens) causes proliferation and expansion of initiated cells with increased expression or manifestations of the abnormal genetic information, even after long latency periods, PROGRESSION - Altered cells exhibit increasingly malignant behavior. Acquire the ability to stimulate angiogenesis, and invade adjacent tissues, and to metastasize., EXCISIONAL - Biopsy used for small, easily accessible tumors of the skin, upper & lower GI, and upper respiratory tracts. Entire tissue specimen for the determination of stage and grade, INCISIONAL - Biopsy performed if the tumor mass is too large to be removed. Wedge of tissue from the tumor is removed for analysis, NEEDLE - Biopsy used to sample suspicious masses that are easily and safely accessible such as the breasts, thyroid, lung, liver, and kidney , BIOMEDICAL - What type of risk factors are Genetic Susceptibility, Hormonal Factors , LIFESTYLE - What type of risk factors are Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, Physical Inactivity & Obesity, Chronic Infections, ENVIRONMENTAL - What type of risk factors are Sunlight, Radiation, Occupational Exposure, Pollution, EXTERNAL BEAM - Radiation that is a local beam, treats a specific part of your body, INTERNAL BEAM - Radiation put inside your body. Radiation source can be solid or liquid, BRACHYTHERAPY - Radiotherapy that includes seeds, ribbons, or capsules that contain a radiation source that is placed in your body, or near the tumor, SYSTEMIC LIQUID - Radiotherapy that travels in the blood to tissues throughout the body. Swallowing, IV or injection, CHEMOTHERAPY - Use of antineoplastic drugs in an attempt to destroy cancer cells by interfering with cellular functions, including replication and DNA repair,


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