deletion - gene mutation involving the loss of one or more nucleotide from the DNA sequence or chromosome structure mutation involving the loss of one or more genes, duplication - chromosome structure mutation where part of a chromosome involving several genes becomes doubled, frame-shift - general term for a type of point mutation that affects the triplet grouping, thereby altering every subsequent codon along the gene's DNA strand, gene - sequence of DNA bases that codes for a protein, insertion - gene mutation involving the addition of an extra nucleotide to the DNA sequence, missense - type of substitution where the altered codon for an amino acid makes sense but not the original sense, mutation - general term for a random change in an organisms genome, nonsense - type of substitution where the altered codon acts as a premature stop codon and halts protein synthesis, splice-site mutation - change affecting nucleotide(s) at a site where introns are normally removed from a primary mRNA transcript, substitution - gene mutation involving the exchange of one nucleotide for another in the DNA sequence, translocation - chromosome structure mutation involving the transfer of a segment of gene from one chromosome to another non-matching chromosome,


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