Bullrun - The first major land battle in the Civil War was here in Virginia and a victory for the South., Davis - He was the president of the Confederacy after it seceded from the Union., Turner - He was a slave who started a violent rebellion in Virginia but was captured and executed., Grant - Lincoln named him commander of all Union Armies in March 1864., Fugitive slave law - The Compromise of 1850 admitted California but added this Law which angered Northerners, Gettysburg - This battle in Pennsylvania is considered the turning point of the war, Antietam - This battle in Maryland was the deadliest day in American history., Emancipation - After Antietam, Lincoln issued this document that freed slaves in rebellion states __ Proclamation , Appomattox - Court House where Gen. Lee officially surrendered to Gen. Grant on April 9, 1865, Jackson - This Confederate general earned his famous nickname at Bull Run., Douglass - He escaped from slavery and encouraged Lincoln to use African-American soldiers in the army., Lee - He was the top general of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia., Liberator - The most famous abolitionist newspaper in the US before the Civil War was The __., Sumter - The first shots of the war were fired at this Fort in South Carolina,


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