cacen, teisen - cake, cacennau, teisennau - cakes, pêl - ball, peli - balls, wythnos - week, wythnosau - weeks, bwyd - food, caws - cheese, cerdyn - card, cardiau - cards, cig - meat, cigoedd - meats, coffi - coffee, criced - cricket, dillad - clothes, dydd - day, dyddiau - days, gwin - wine, hoci - hockey, golff - golf, llaeth - milk, papur newydd - newspaper, pêl-droed - football, radio - radio, siocled - chocolate, siocledi - chocolates, siwgr - sugar, teledu - television, tost - toast, bod - to be, bwyta - to eat, canu - to sing, chwarae - to play, dawnsio - to dance, gweithio - to work, gweld - to see, gwneud - to do, to make, mynd - to go, hoffi, lico - to like, prynu - to buy, siopa - to shop, smwddio - to iron, yfed - to drink, ymddeol - to retire, bendigedig - brilliant, coch - red, gwyn - white, neis - nice, newydd - new, siŵr - sure, beth? - what?, chwaith - either, dim - not; nothing, hefyd - also, heno - tonight, mynd am dro - go for a walk, wrth gwrs - of course, ych a fi - horrid, yfory - tomorrow, tennis - tennis, tiwtor - tutor, tiwtoriaid - tutors, ar - on, pryd? - when?,

Geirfa Uned 02 - Mynediad, Cymraeg i Oedolion (f.2, De)


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