single parent - a mother or father who has a child but no husband, wife or partner who lives with them, take after - to be similar in character to an elder member of your family , bring up - to look after a child and educate them, be related to - to have family members in common, synonym of older - elder, to get married again - remarry, stepfather - a man who is your mother's husband but not your biological father, members of your family - relatives, widow - a woman whose husband or wife has died, ancestor - a member of your family who lived a long time ago, foster parent - a person who takes a child into their home but does not become the child's legal parent, niece - your sister or brother's daughter, mother-in-law - your partner's mother, look like - to have the same physical appearance as somebody else, halfbrother - a person who is your mother or father's son by their second marriage,

Family Relationships Vocabulary B1


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