Q&A 4:spaces  Question: Where did the Ancient Indians firsts settle Answer: ʎǝʅʅɐɅ ɹǝʌᴉꓤ snpuI ǝɥꓕ, Q&A 5:spaces Question: What are the most important Hindu gods Answer: nuɥsᴉɅ puɐ ʻɐʌᴉɥS ʻɐɥɯɐɹꓭ, Q&A 5:spaces Question: What were the 2 major cities in Ancient India Answer:oɹɐᗡ-oɾuǝɥoꟽ puɐ ɐdɐɹɹɐH, Q&A 6:spaces Question: What was the object that were used to identify an item to it's owner in trade Answer:sƃɐꓕ ɹo/puɐ sʅɐǝS, Q&A 7:spaces Question: What do skills do children learn instead of going to school. Answer: ʇunɥ puɐ ʻsdoɹɔ ɯɹɐⅎ ʻsƃuᴉɥʇ ǝʞɐɯ oʇ ʍoH, Q&A 5:spaces Question: Did the people in the Indus River Valley spend more time outside or inside. Why? Answer:.ʎɹp puɐ ʇoɥ ʎɹǝʌ sᴉ ǝɹǝɥʇ ǝʇɐɯᴉʅɔ ǝɥʇ ǝsnɐɔǝq ǝpᴉsʇno ǝɯᴉʇ ǝɹoɯ puǝds pʅnoʍ ʎǝɥꓕ, Q&A  6:spaces Question: When did the Mauryan Empire form Answer: Ǝ.Ͻ.ꓭ 0↊↋ punoɹ∀, Q&A  8:spaces Question: Who was the founder of the Mauryan Empire Answer: ɐʎɹnɐꟽ ɐʇdnƃɐɹpuɐɥϽ, Q&A  6:spaces Question: Where was the location of the Mauryan Empire Answer: ɐᴉpuI uɹǝɥʇɹoN, Q&A  6:spaces Question: What country is the Indus River Valley currently located in Answer: uɐʇsᴉʞɐԀ, Q&A  5:spaces Question: Who was the founder of the Gupta Empire Answer: I ɐʇdn⅁ ɐɹpuɐɥϽ, Q&A  7:spaces Question: Where is the Gupta Empire located in Answer: ɐᴉpuI uɹǝʇsɐǝɥʇɹoN, Q&A  6:spaces Question: What is Karma Answer: sǝʌᴉʅ ʇxǝu ɹᴉǝɥʇ uᴉ oʇuᴉ uɹoqǝɹ ǝq ʅʅᴉʍ ǝʅdoǝd ɯɹoⅎ ǝɥʇ sǝpᴉɔǝp ʇɐɥʇ ǝɔɹoⅎ ǝɥꓕ, Q&A  9:spaces Question: What is a teacher in India called Answer: nɹn⅁ ∀, Q&A  5:spaces Question: What is a Social System called in India Answer: ɯǝʇsʎS ǝʇsɐϽ ǝɥꓕ.

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