1) What is the ... for today? a) weather prediction b) weather prognosis c) weather forecast d) weather guess 2) It's .... today a) frying hot b) boiling hot c) steaming hot d) roasting hot 3) The sky has .... a) cleaned up b) cleared down c) cleaned down d) cleared up 4) It's usually .... in Siberia. a) freezing cold b) chilly cold c) biting cold d) frozen cold 5) There is ... rain outside a) torrent b) torrential c) torrencial d) torrental 6) There is .... on the roads a) sick fog b) thin fog c) sin fog d) thick fog 7) There is ... over the lake a) snow b) fog c) mist d) frost 8) Weather is .... a) rainy b) humid c) mist and fog d) sunny


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