1) I am ... my school. a) baddest of b) the worse student in c) worse than d) the worst student in 2) Ann gets ... her class. a) the best marks of b) best marks than c) better marks d) the goodest marks in 3) Paul is ... his brother. a) more tall than b) taller than c) more taller than d) tallest than 4) You know his ... friend. a) dearest b) the dearest c) the most dear d) more dear than 5) This film is ... that one. a) funny than b) funnier than c) funniest than d) funnyest than 6) That party was ... all. a) the most amusing of b) most amusing of c) the amusing of d) very amusing of 7) She was ... when she was ... a) slimer... young b) slimmer... youngest c) slimmest ... younger d) slimmer ... younger 8) Mary is ... the world. a) the happiest girl in b) happier than c) the most happy in d) the happyest of 9) Abbie is ... his sister. a) thiner than b) thinner than c) the thinnest of d) more thinner than 10) Abbie isn't ... her family. a) the fatest of b) fatter than c) the fattest of d) the most fattest of 11) ... the house is the living room. a) The most large room in b) The larger room of c) The more largest room of d) The largest room in 12) The English test was ... the French one. a) difficulter than b) the more difficult of c) more difficult than d) more difficult of

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